The Temple of God
Ana Bolt-Turrall
Welcome to The Temple of God, which is Ana Bolt Turrall's presentation of ideas and movement work from a mature dancer and teacher. She recently completed a master 'Thesis' on the importance of movement expression through a mature body. She is passionate about the body's infinite possibility to express, share and give through movement as a unique powerful gift to also share our faith and our creative selves. Her ideas connect to all other art forms which have been used through different times to express our experiences of God and His love.
«As a Practicing Catholic, Artist and Woman of Faith, this practice of researching my Christian values is part of my artistic interpretation to share the light and talents that God has given to all His children who love Him. We have been called to serve God with our talents and Artists have a responsibility to do good, to bring light and hope to all souls. Our faith is rich and deserves all honor and praise with the glory of God to be utilized in the world of art and dance. Praise God.» Ana
The body, the Temple of God, transforms the nature of our faith along with the character of bodily movement which evokes the anointing of the soul by the Holy Spirit as it sojourns with Christ on a pilgrimage of discovery. This presentation serves as a conduit for participants to reflect upon the dwelling of the Holy Spirit within the context of self and the utterance through movement which demands a constant calling for our salvation.
What I propose : The Bolt Movement Workshop
The workshop is designed to have a physical, emotional, and spiritual purpose that goes beyond steps. My mission is to reach the individual at the cognitive and human level for the greater good of finding and acknowledging what lies beyond the Self to enhance the human experience; the goal is to explore the calling upon the Holy Spirit for guided movement to be expressed, shared in community and communicated without restriction or fear but with authenticity as observed by King David as he danced and worshiped in the presence of the Arc of the Covenant. Through guided scenario participants write notes along with observations and begin a movement to further the process of development that will lead them to verbally express their reflective examination of conscience while integrating the Holy Spirit to further understand God’s purpose to reshape the body into the the Temple of God for His glory.
The Holy Spirit within the body
Query as how the Holy Spirit affects emotions, and overall movement that takes place within the mind, body and spirit as joy is heartfelt and acknowledged in the presence of our Creator will be examined and used for creative processes leading to deeper understanding of movement, worship, and dance. Moreover, the physical discovery of movement, and spatial awareness through reflective explorations will be a guided force to strategize a concept for a movement outline. Taking in consideration the conceptualized idea of the Holy Spirit within the body to reshape the individual into a Temple for God’s dwelling relies in a prayer order. Prayer with sincere concentration, devotion and openness to receive the Holy Spirit transcends to truthful movement of praise and into a more cohesive spiritual level; This leads to a self-revelation giving birth to a choreographic culmination (arrangement & development) of a genesis for a larger concept to share with our church and artists around the world that God lives stronger than ever in the hearts of the believers who Love Him.
Alabanza, a Spanish word for charismatic believers that moves the body in beautiful ways to demonstrate love through physical and verbal praise. My contemplative dance begins with a prayer order asking first for forgiveness. My journey with the Spirit through the body continues in a path of slow and silent movements with Adoration through meditation reflecting on absolution. The movements start small and expand as the worship grows. The presence of His light is imminent and I feel it all through me. The Holly Spirit moves like a wave of soothing music shaping, whispering, molding, warming the senses to rejoice in this mesmerizing experience. I then continue with the Petitions for the people in need, my family and my projects. This way of asking is with humility and it takes me to the ground to ask with my soul and wait on the will of God. Kneeling gives me muscular strength and humility in the spirit. We all need to experience kneeling and the graces that come with this humbling action in which we gain strength in the Spirit. It is an exercise in which we gain blessings and development of gratitude. My dance concludes with movements of gratitude as they begin to take more space within me and around me to give thanks for all God’s gifts, even among the difficulties of life. This order of prayer forms the spiritual movement in a more connected stage to bring the gift of the Holy Spirit to a performative dance. In this way, I can share the power of faith and how artists like me can use it to serve others through movement and dance in our lives in this secular world.
The Crucifix and I
The Crucifix and I is a journey through movement where I share my request for forgiveness, adoration, petition and gratitude. It is moving, powerful and healing and most of all a gift to have the presence of the Holy Spirit in a body that is flawed. It is a praise and tribute to our Lord through dance in spiritual communication with the Holy Spirit and the self. Through this dance I speak to Jesus and let Him know that I am grateful for His sufferings in exchange for my life. I dance for His sorrows and I dance for my soul to be redeemed. The Holy Spirit is a gift that should be taken with joy, adoration and dancing to the heavens. All of us have been given the gift of life to travel through all the seasons of the year to be able to share, give and serve others around us. Our duty is to be a movement of faith with our actions and to give a godly example. The Holy Spirit comes when we invoke him. The Spirit moves with gentle waves of heat and sheds light of wisdom and revelations to those who love the Lord, obey and believe him.
Our body, the Temple of God, is the home of the Holy Spirit; dance becomes my prayer and it means so much more when the Holy Spirit moves within me. His Temple, a Vessel (a recipient) of Grace that navigates through the sea of life and through waves of all sorts making our journey’s colorful. As I pray and raise my arms to the heavens, I share my desire to worship with physical praise.